Thank you to ‘Racing Explained’ for providing us all with great insight into our wonderful sport
Did you know……..
1. It is Britain’s second-favourite sport after football
Horse racing is so popular here that it’s only surpassed by football in terms of spectatorship.
2. It wasn’t invented here
While the modern-day sport did originate in Britain, horses have been racing for as long as they have been domesticated. Nomadic tribesmen raced horses in Central Asia as far back as 4500 BC, while the first horseback tournaments on British soil took place around 200 AD.
3. Racing contributes billions to the UK economy
The British horse racing industry is a world-leader, generating more than £3.7 billion for the country’s economy thanks in part to iconic events like The Randox Health Grand National and the Cheltenham Festival, which are watched by millions around the world.
4. Flat racing yields the biggest prizes
The average prize money in Flat racing is £17,744.28, compared to £11,072.49 in Jump racing.
5. Racing is ‘The Sport of Kings’
King James I took such a deep interest in racing that in 1605, he was urged by parliament to refocus his attentions on running the country.
6. Horse racing is better live than on TV
Despite its popularity, less than five per cent of UK races are televised on terrestrial television so the best way to get your thrill is by coming racing!
Look out for Let’s Get Racing Club exciting news out later this week…